KA-1 Discharger

Scavengers Hardware Special Recharge booster Craftable

The first attempts of the Scavengers to solve the problem of their weapons' slow reloading led to the creation of a new line of modules. Boosts the reloading of weapons and rockets by 10%. You can install only 'I module that speeds up reloading.



Durability 171 pts.
Energy Drain 1 pts.
Mass 162 kg
Crossout version
These stats were gathered using SilentNyte's OCR tool.
Tool operation and validation by silentnyte.


Sell Price 117.45
Buy Price 96.04
Margin 9.67
ROI 10.06%
Sell Offers 32
Buy Orders 12
Demand/Supply 37.50%
Last Update 2024-07-27 04:10:00
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KA-2 Flywheel 1